I do have some pictures, but I'm currently unable to upload any, besides, most of them are terrible.
anyhow, it was dark, misty and rainy, your generic horror movie setting, not to mention we were at a playground. There was some swings and stuff, a fairly normal playground, and we didn't find anything weird. I was actually feeling great, but she started complaining that she was feeling cold. Obviously, as it was like 2°C outside, I didn't think much of it, we weren't wearing winter coats, so I wasn't exactly feeling warm either. Then she said her head was aching. That's the point where I grew suspicious and suggested leaving, but she wanted to keep looking around, because obviously we must've missed something. When she started saying she was hearing high pitched noise, I was ready to drag her away, but I really didn't need to. She dragged me. She panicked and started to run away from the far corner of the playground, and I knew why. We both saw that, and I was finally able to fully realize I was not crazy, because even if we both are insane, we both saw it, the Slenderman, and I couldn't help but feel a little relieved, since I don't think two lunatics could see exactly the same thing at the same time. Anyhow, we ran, and oddly enough, she seemed to be having more ... uhh, 'symptoms' than I did, which is the reason I let her run ahead of me, and I consciously stayed behind, so that I could take pictures. I know, I know, it's fucking stupid, but I felt like taking a little revenge, and so, we were in the forest, (That thing somehow seemed to just follow us, He didn't really walk or move at all, but I didn't see any reality-bending, time-altering teleportation or anything either, He just seemed to be there, every time I'd look back, or blink, or fumble with my camera, he would seem to have moved or something. From experience I can say, looking at him fucks you up, and sort of traps you, so I just turned around enough to take a photo here and there, but it really didn't help. I did get some photos and then I had to run. Katja was nowhere to be seen, and I really couldn't risk it, and so I ran. He didn't seem to Follow me after I got to a brightly lit area with people, but I sort of felt him observing me from somewhere, just this paranoid sort of uneasy feeling, that made me look behind many times.
I hurried home, and I have been trying to call katja all day long. This happened last night.
I thought she ran home or managed to escape, but I have no idea where she is now. So basically, I feel like I have to
She called back. She's fine, but doesn't seem to remember anything besides the playground and running. She wondered why I had called so many times and asked if something was wrong. Well duh, everything in this situation is wrong. This is NOT okay. She said she remembers seeing him and running, and me staying behind, but nothing else. There is a blank space in her memories after that.
Anyhow, like I was saying, I felt like I had to call the police, but what could I have said without getting locked to a psych ward? That's the worst that could happen to me, getting stuck in a crazy house! Instead of being safe and the magical locked doors of the ward keeping slenderman away, I would actually be more fucked than I am now. He seems like he knows.. so that would mean that when I'd be there, I would be even more vulnerable, because nobody believes lunatics. Actually, that could be what he's aiming for. I can not isolate myself from the society, because if I did, my psychologists and teachers would catch me one way or the other.
I haven't told anyone.
I will post the pictures later, and analyze them more...
I'm lost. I don't know what to do, who to believe or who is my enemy anymore. I don't know.
help me.
-Darkn3z (Laura)
been a while...
Well fuck being anonymous
The title of this post probably says it all... One of the villagers, if not all, decided to fuck around slightly more than what they usually do, and now I'm officially not anonymous. They posted a very selfie-looking pic of me with beautiful, artistic editing in it (not)
Even if that is black and white and whatnot, I've seen my own face enough times to know that I'm in that picture.
But the problem is, I haven't taken that, and as far as I know, Nobody else I know hasn't taken that. It looks as if it's taken with my webcam, and I know it's quite recent since I cut my hair into this very short cut only a month ago.
There's also text in the picture:
I've heard it's possible to spy on people through webcams, but I never expected this. To be honest, I never use webcams, because I know very little about them and because I don't know how difficult or easy it is to spy through webcams. I don't know shit about that and I'm not going to find out. I wil put some duct tape over the cam, That probably solves this and that's that.
Maybe I was expecting myself to start crying or something, but no. I'm used to this. My face isn't a big thing, It is irrelevant whether I write anonymously or not.
When sleeping isn't possible
I wanted to say tht just to make this clear.
I have been staying up for quite a while, and last night I slept less than four hours, and I fel dead tired, but I can't fall asleep at all, so I'm just writing.
consider this, maybe, like a review on everything that's been happening with a quick update.
also, this might be my ony chance to open up, because I don't do that when I have slept well and I become more talkative at nights anyway.
Let's begin with the present moment and work back in time from there, and see what I can remember.
anyhow, I am in my room, half-sitting, half-laying on my bed and typing. It is dark, and the light from my screen isn't enough to luminate anything except me and some of the wall behind me. It is quiet, even though I have earphones on, I can hear the sounds that the house makes and everything our neighbors do (which is nothing, they are most probably asleep like everyone in our house). Just a few moments ago I logged in with great difficulties, as blogger didn't seem to accept my password and I had to change it. Oh well.
Last weekend, (god, was that a week ago already?) I met a friend I hadn't seen in a long time, and she told me about her little sister having weird symptoms, oddly similar to the things that I'm experiencing. Then there was the thing where I figured out a name for yet another villager, The Nurse (5th) and such.
and then the Call. I developed a fear for my old ringtone and had to change it to even be able to answer the phone.
a lot of stuff has happened.
but, I also have to clarify something, which might seem peculiar to you. About my parents. "Aren't they worried?" "Haven't they noticed anything?" Well, remember the time when I lost about two weeks or sp from my memory? I have no idea what happened then, but if I had been missing (as I woke up from a forest) my mom hadn't noticed anything. Almost right after that happened I actually asked my mom about anything abnormal, but she said I should know myself, I had been home. So I asked if there had been anything abnormal in her opinion, she only started blabbering about a ķitchen cabinet seeming a little different in colour that whatbit used to be and blah blah. I have been asking my other family members but they haven't noticed anything.
I might have been actually home, but something gives me the feeling that I wasn't...
If you have any questions, contact me on twitter(@NorthernDarkn3z) or comment on the blog.
Old Friends
What was taking my time?
I had an old friend call me, Someone I was friends with for a couple of years during my 2nd-5th grades, until she moved away. We kept writing letters to each other for a short while, but then we moved on. I didn't know Katja had my number, which of course made me feel suspicious. She had read my blog and realized it was me behind it for various reasons, and found my number (from one of the letters we used to write to each other, she said.) and called me, because of something she didn't yet mention, but she wanted to meet me in person. I hesitantly agreed to meet her.
She didn't live exactly far away from me anymore, and we decided to meet at a cafe so that I could make sure it was really her. She was.
What I expected was something akin to "You know, your blog is really nice, good job right there, I almost believed it, How have you been and what is really up?" but what I got wasn't anything like that.
She did not, amazingly, question my sanity nor this blog at all. When I met her, she looked at me with a concerned expression. I could practically hear her thinking: 'At least I don't look that tired..., do I?'
She told me she believed that I wasn't making this up, because apparently her sister had been going through similar stuff. (This is weird, because I don't remember her having a sister...) She told me about her sister suddenly starting to complain about a noise that nobody else heard, That sounded like white noise, but more high pitched, going all pale, avoiding the forests at all costs, starting to lose sleep, have nightmares and becoming paranoid. My old friend also stated that because of being extremely concerned about her sister, "I started to lose sleep as well and got really anxious about everything." She then told me that her sister had also talked about (translated from Finnish) "The Shadow-man in the forest". At this point I also found out that her sister was quite young, around two and a half years old.
We talked for a while, and I agreed to meet her again, but unfortunately the school is on the way for both of us and therefore we were both unable to arrange a day that would have been okay for both of us during this month.
Don't know what I should think about this. She said not to give too many details about herself in here. Unfortunately I had to write this down, because I still document everything that is happening to me.
I still have my suspicions, Katja. I remember you, but....
/////// EDIT: Katja contacted me on twitter while I was writing this and apparently she might be able to meet up again this month.
Click this and see for yourself...
Yeah, so that happened.
You are taunting me, aren't you? But from the code (which was coded using a grid of 5x5, A: 11, B: 12 C:13 ...F:21 G:22....) I suspect I have named yet another "villager." s/he calls him/herself "The Nurse" (Because the code below decoded is TO THE NURSE.)
the code:
Uh. Is the medication part referring to the pills I found?
I won't take them.
God knows what they are, and I don't really want to die. Right?
IF I ever change my mind, I will inform you about it.
Are you implying that I'm insane? "Or are you ill" no. Fuck off. Don't you even dare to imply that I haven't thought about that nonstop since this begun! Every single day, I wake up from 2-4h of sleep, the same fucking thoughts replaying in my head over and over again: "what if I'm insane, what if this is just my mind turning against me?" But every time I reassure myself that it's not the case; where could I have obtained those pills, why did the call appear in my phone log, why are the pictures fucking up? You hear me on this, 'Nurse', I don't like you. You are playing mind games with me, but I somehow know you're a fucking asshole. That's the feeling I get.
I will be having a busy weekend so don't you fucking dare, villagers.
I decided to find them. I decided that I will find the answer to all this, mainly, "why me" and "what is happening", but also, "who the fuck are the villagers".
But not because they want me to.
It's because I will end this, one way or another.
A call
There was no number, it was a private number (and therefore I couldn't call back) which alarmed me. I usually don't get prank calls as I don't have any real enemies nor friends for that matter, and given the situation that I'm in, anything out of the ordinary will catch my attention. I didn't record the call or anything, 'cause I didn't see that coming, but here's how I remember it:
Me: ...Hei? (Which means obviously Hi/Hello)
Caller: *Raspy breathing and static*
Me: ...Kuka siellä? ("who is this?")
Caller: *long silence*
Me: Älä jaksa. Et oo tosissas? ("Stop it. Are you serious?")
Caller: .....Do you know? (s/he spoke english...)
Me: Aw hell no. I'm going to end this call right now. Where did you even get my number? (at this point I guessed it was someone from the other blog) Who is this anyway? From the, uh.. villagers?
Caller: Liar.
Me: ............... (I was wondering if I should throw my phone at the wall or not and decided not to. I wanted information!) Well fuck you. I won't end the call. what do you want?
Caller: I... (more static and a glitchy silence so I didn't hear what was being said.) No.
Me: Do you even speak Finnish... (The most random question to pop into my mind at that moment.)
Caller: We... (static) do.
Me: Then why English? What do you want? What is going on? Which one are you??
Caller: Because (loud static) .... ....(unintelligible)
Me: Is this a prank? You read my blog, don't you? You just want to freak me out, right? Where did you get my number? Who are you?
Caller: *static and distant, somewhat taunting laughter.*
Me: Oh no. There's more of you?
Caller: (The person changed. this time it was a voice that went through a voice changer, as it sounded unnatural.) Why... would we prank you?
Me: Finally. Someone who speaks normally. (I froze for a moment because I had to form the sentence in my mind before asking.) ....So, who's this, then? What are you, and what might you want from me? Also, for the record, if you wanted to scare me, you did well. Slow clap for you, sir. (I clapped, trying to calm myself by sounding more sarcastic. maybe I wanted to be in charge of the situation again. I had been sitting on my bed, but now I got up, and started walking around the house as I spoke, to relieve my restlessness and anxiety.)
Caller: *more distorted laughter, obviously not the first person or the one holding the phone in the other end.* We're..... Most of us are... Like you. Our intention..? -wasn't scaring you... *static* There are... many loose ends. Shouldn't you be.. looking for... Answers?
Me: What... what do you think I am doing?
Caller: Nothing.
Me: That is rude.
Caller: ...................
Me: How many of you are there? Which- who are you?
Caller: Three.
Me: That isn't fair. Three of you or you are the third.... uh, the... Elder?
Caller: I am not.... no.
Me: Then which one are you?
Caller: does it matter?
Me: Yes! Also, why the voice changer? afraid of using your own voice?
Caller: I am not... the first nor the fourth. *chuckling noise from the background*
Me: Where are you?
Caller: Near.
*the call ends.*
The call ended about two hours ago, at 11:27 am. I wrote down all I got, which is:
-There was 3 callers, or at least that's what s/he said and what it sounded like. The actual caller, the second person who spoke somewhat normally and someone in the background, laughing from time to time.
-s/he might have hinted that the persons present were the second, the third and the fifth, or "the Smiler", "the Elder" and someone who I don't yet know, who writes in green.
-I'm pretty sure the person laughing in the background might just have been "the Smiler". The laughing just fits too well, and I got this feeling...
-"most of us are like you"
- This person wants me to do something. ("shouldn't you be looking for answers?")
-The person speaking was not the first nor the fourth ("Judge")
-They are "near".
This left me incredibly paranoid, And I had to calm down for quite a while. I took my time writing everything I remember down and thinking about how they got my number. I don't have many people except my relatives that know my phone number, and I haven't seen my old friends from elementary school for a good while. I'm just wondering....
Also, nothing remarkable has happened during this week. Still here, still alive.
Some answers?
Still hiding your face?
The Watch out part was easier, I had to go five letters backwards from the starting letter and I would get the right one. I got the idea from my old "secret language" we used with our friends when we were younger... I just wonder... how'd they know?
The next part then, It was easy, but my brain refused to figure it out at first.
00 - A
01 - B
02 - C
03 - D
09 - J
10 - K
20 -L
30 - M
90 - T
100 - U
200 -V
And so on. as long as it has a zero in it.
I'm not hiding. I'm keeping private information off of the internet...
Anyways, there was a new post in The Village blog.
Title: C O L O U R S (<- British way of writing it, the same one they teach in our English classes at Finnish schools as well.)
stuff and dream entry #3-ish?
Anyways, I didn't really have time to talk about my most recent encounter(s?) with him. You know. The Tall Man. Tree Man. Slendy. Master. Boogieman. Imaginary friend. The "I just want a fricking 20"-guy. The Tall Stranger.
I know this is serious, and I shouldn't be making such jokes. But I'm going to open up right here: Even though I am really fucking scared, and I'm just pretending I'm not, the whole situation is just.. sort of ridiculous if you ask me. I mean, How possible is it to actually happen? For someone who is quite normal, a decent student, 15 years old, and who's never really even taken interest in such things as the Slenderman - meme. It's just so funny in a twisted way: I've heard tons of people go "I swear I saw the Slenderman last night, when I was walking home bla bla..." And nobody really disappeared or got into the same state I am in now -constant migraines, nausea, aggressive behaviour fits(I'll get into that later) and a weird cult leaving me cryptic message shit.
Either it's supposedly ironous or I just have the worst luck ever.
Anyhow. I told you the basics of what happened earlier when I encountered him again, after a pause of some sort. But I did include a sentence where Inmentioned feeling mentally weirđ. I'll tell you what happened. I was jogging with the rest of the P.E. class, (I suck at it, I hate jogging to be honest.) And as I'm slower than the sporty bitches in my P.E. class, I got left behind. It's a track that goes around the woods, and I thought I might as well take a shorter path and catch the group, but I should have realised that it wasn't my brightest idea ever. As soon as I lost visual contact to the track and started to listen to the running footsteps of the class, I felt really nauseous, and my ears started ringing loudly. At this point I knew what was happening, so I took another direction and started running away, and at the same time, the headache and dizzyness started, making it difficult to run. I remember looking behind me quickly and seeing him, silhouetting against the faint sunlight shining through the treetops. I remember ending up near the beginning of the track, having bruises on my legs that probably came from all the low branches and such. I sat there, holding my head, panting, for about ten minutes, until they came back, and the teacher told me to go home, when I almost started crying because of the headache. But there's some people in my P.E. class that I despise, and these dorks started saying I'm in a terrible condition (which isn't really far away from reality, but it's still hurtful), calling me a fat attention whore and so on. I had this weird feeling, and all I remember is getting calmly up, looking another of the girls coldly in the eye, and punching the air out of her lungs. I got detention for this, but I managed to avoid it, because I was able to claim that the behaviour was because of my migraine, which is partly true, I get really pissed easily when I'm not feeling well, but this time, I didn't feel like myself. I got home, and just napped the rest of the day.
I think there might be a connection with this and the feeling I had to physically hurt my little brother that I wrote about a lot earlier.
Today, I have been having a migraine again, and I have just slept, slept, and slept even more, I have never felt this tired before. But I had a dream. I have it written down on a piece of paper, and I'll just copy it here.
I felt anxious, and slightly restless, like a cornered animal. I was standing behind a thing, that seemed to be a sofa, but I had to crouch to not be noticed. The footsteps travelled back and forth, and that person came close a couple of times. I could hear that the person was afraid, breathing rapidly and shining the flashlight around to get a better view of things. I had no fucking idea how I got there, I was sure that I had to stay down in order to not be spotted. I had to hide. And as suddenly as the dream begun, it ended, fading away and changing into some unimportant dream stuff.
This dream is special, 'cause it was so clear, and I remember it fully, not just parts of it like I usually do. It felt so realistic. This dream, it has something in it that is just off, I feel like I missed something. I don't know... maybe I'm just imagining these things, and the dream is just another normal dream. I just felt like writing it here, because it's different from the usual nightmares and dreams I tend to have, like falling down from a ledge, getting lost or having those dreams where I walk an endless, dark hallway.
Anyways, I think I might sleep a little longer and then eat something, as the migraine is slowly fading away.
Sometimes, when I wake up with a headache, I wonder if it has some connection to the slenderman, like him appearing in my room while I sleep or something. And it creeps me out.
clarification, please?
Now there are many things left unsolved, I still haven't solved the codes from the hack post. Anyways, I will now analyze the other posts made by the village. The earlier one goes like this:
the one who wounds
the one who smiles
the one who knows
the one who judges
the one who mends
will the TRUTH be told
will the WINTER turn cold
is the P O E T
the one who remembered
and which will meet the end?
It's clearly meant to be a poem or similar. The poem theme seems to repeat as well, in the poem, and even in The Village's URL. (thepoetisthereason.blogspot.com)
Now, I want to really analyze this through, and I'll try to make sure I'm not missing anything.
1st - the one who wounds
2nd - the one who smiles
3rd - the one who knows
4th - the one who judges
5th - the one who mends
I can see a pattern here. Getting wounded(in what sense? physically or otherwise?), smiling(to hide it?), knowing(understanding?), judging(looking out for reasons/ways to get over the situation?) mending(getting out of the situation?) Also, the first twitter update was signed with "-JUDGE" and this one with "-ELDER" and the judge-theme is in the poem also. If we suppose these actually represent the nutjobs behind the blog and all this creepy shit, there seems to be five of them, at least, five have been mentioned.. oh wait! Their twitter description says "5 B U T W E M I S S S O M E..." or similar. So that might confirm that there, indeed, are five people behind this. And the Judge is the fourth one of them, obviously. Now, that leaves us wondering about the others. What are elders like? Usually they don't quite wound or mend stuff (what do I know?) and that might rule the 1st and the 5th out. We have the smiling and the knowing left, and since I've gotten physical messages as well, with the smile thing, and it was scribbled on red. Now, If you remember the hack post, it used different colours as well, and this poem was written on black and signed with -ELDER. I suspect the Smiling is connected to the red colour, and so, Elder seems to be the 3rd.
About the smile messages, and the one who smiles, I can't really figure anything out, (since these people seem to be named after people that could possibly live in a small rustic village or something, but what do I know) and I can't come up with anything that fits the theme, so I'll just call him/her "the smiler" for now.
That leads us to the next twitter update and the currently newest post ("IMPORTANT?")
vain aikaa, ei armoa?
That's how it goes. It contains some Finnish in it (Which means at least one of them knows some Finnish, or they are Finnish. Translated to english, it would mean "Only time, no mercy?" In a sort of asking "[add some speech or an opinion here], eh?" manner. This post is a lot less cryptic in my opinion. It seems to tell me what to do, which is to wait. Firstly, it's wondering about my future, probably, like, "Will it happen?" and then, wondering if I should "seek and learn" (look around and study the situation, maybe.) and then it says quite simply "wait now", telling me to, obviously, wait. (or maybe it's giving me more time, as the Finnish puts it. and it's signed with -5. I am 98% sure it refers to the people referred before, and that means, "the one who mends." Now, this is written in green, the Judge hasn't yet written with any colour, BUT the first post in the village was with blue, and the twitter message was signed with "-Judge", so we can assume blue is his/her colour. the Smile-messages are written in red, and the Elder seems to write with plain black (Does this give me a reason to believe he/she is behind every physical item (not including the ones with red scribbles as well) that had black scribbles, and the code in my notebook?) and that leaves the yellow color for the 1st person, the one who wounds. I don't know much about him/her yet, except a single message; KEEPTRYING...
so here's the clues that are connected to the people.
1st - yellow(probably),
2nd - red, agressive-ish?, "smiler"
3rd - Elder, black, creepy?
4th - Judge, blue(probably), ?
5th - green
But that's it about their blog for now. I'll quickly analyze their Twitter update from ~ 9hrs ago;
N O H I D I N G N O W . . . whydon'tyousmileforonce?
I believe this is the smiler, as we know him/her. Because of the repeating Smile theme. It's getting boring, dude. Nothing much to say about that, in all honesty. I don't know what the hiding refers to, as there indeed are things I'd like to keep private, like my own face, name, precise location, etc.
And hey you "smiler"-dude, How can I possibly smile in the middle of all this creepy shit that is happening? Why don't you smile alone, while I try to sort this out? Sounds like a good idea to me.
So, I'd like to give you a quick update on what's happening in my life but I don't think I have enough time to write about that at the moment, so I'll just sum it up: firstly, I met the Tall Stranger, or rather, Slenderman again, while we were jogging in the nearby forests in school P.E. class. It was a quickie, but I got sent home 'cause I started feeling weird (mentally) and got a terrible migraine. When I got home, I vomited again, and felt fucking tired, so I just climbed to bed and slept the rest of the mid-day. luckily, I didn't miss any tests, and I didn't have any fucked up nightmares. I don't have enough time for more at the moment, so I'll go back to studying for tomorrow's test and maybe I'll write more about this then.
First things first.
Now, Firstly:
This happened.
I'm going to study no matter what.
You seem to want to corrupt my grades, whoever the fuck you are, that posted that thing and the twitter thing
Also, -JUDGE?
I certainly don't need new mysteries.
How do I solve this?
That happened.
I started chopping down the message into smaller bits, as they are written in different colours, and I decided to start with the readable context.
in blue. I started looking back to everything I have found/gained and I realized many of the actual, physical copies of the papers or messages are missing. like the paper with the question marks, remember?
Do you mean the symbols?
I am trying not to jump to conclusions, but I think each colour might represent a new person, as they seem to be saying "We" and "Us" So I think there is more than one people behind this. So there's four coloured messages and one black. I've had red before, And the tone was aggressive. So I believe there might be something similar behind those numbers. They are
And the yellow "KEEPTRYING" Was differently written.
Keep trying what?
And then the black message.
Found these...
I was unable to write for a while since we had some major problems with the wifi, and I would have been unable to upload pics on my phone so here we go.
I was coming home from my riding lesson last tuesday, and I always have to cycle through some wooded areas, and something caught my eye. I heard a series of loud crackling noises, and I stopped to look around. I saw no-one, but I heard that noise again, and this time I could identify it as running footsteps. This person seemed to be running away from where I was, and so I looked around and noticed a strange scroll of paper up in a tree (Yes, up in a motherfucking tree.) Anyhow, I reached for it and from the inside of the scroll fell out a bottle of pills, so I just grabbed them and left, didn't wanna stay there and see what was going to happen.
At home I opened them and here are some pictures.

So, this is the bottle of pills. it has some in it, just plain white pills with no markings in them. The bottle has the words SLEEP WELL and the symbol drawn on the side. the label is completely torn off.

The third paper is also a page of my notebook and has the same words in it as the pill bottle "SLEEP WELL" and the symbol. The third one is plain white paper and has the symbol and words DO YOU GET SCARED in it.
yeah and here are the pills. 5 white, round pills in total.
So I started thinking what the "Sleep well" could mean. It's on the pill bottle, and I have no idea what the pills are. they could be literally anything, from plain vitamin pills to cyanide.. not that I know what cyanide pills look like, but still.
The drawings, well, yes, I do get scared, but only temporarily. Right now I just find them slightly offensive, and I started to wonder about the smiley face. I mean, I already know that there must be some kind of person or group behind the hacked account things and these papers and such, but there's never been anything written on red, and that smiley is new, so there is a difference. Also, the messages on red seem more aggressive, "SMILE" and "WE WILL CATCH YOU", they are different from the usual slightly-creepy-and-somewhat-annoying messages, I don't remember ever receiving a direct threat like that.
Anyway, I'll have to think about this more. I'm going to keep updating my twitter at least once a week to let you know I'm fine, and yeah.
also, the comments are now open in this blog, I decided it's unneccessary to moderate them if there is nothing to moderate, really.
This puzzle is missing pieces.
Okay, okay okay. Let's begin from the overall situation. It's not what you might think. I haven't lost much memory, nor have I been kidnapped or anything, luckily. I am, in fact, almost perfectly fine.
Now, about a month ago, I tweeted about going back to the forest, at least that was my intention. But personal stuff got in the way, and I hadn't time to do that. I had to go to meet my grandparents for various reasons, and it took a good while there. I didn't have internet either, and I sort of wanted to take a break, but now that I've seen that taking a break from updating this will only make the situation go worse, I won't do it again. I will try to update at least once in a week, whether it be a tweet or a blog entry. Anyhow, I'll have to write about what happened there, so here goes:
We arrived at our grandparents' house at night, and went straight to bed, because we were so tired. I had another dream, a dream about being chased, (Again!) and woke up in panic mode.
The next day, we helped in cleaning our grandparents' attic, and it's boring. that is, until something catches my eye. I was looking through some old papers (they were mainly uninteresting advertisements from the 1980's or so.) and found a piece of paper, that was much thicker and clearly been through a lot of suffering. there was writing, and a picture that caught my eye; THIS.
This piece of paper. It's written in finnish and I will now write what it says both in finnish and english.
Well, with the new information in my mind we got back home after a week, and the school started. It's incredibly difficult to try and hide all this from others, but I decided to go back last weekend, and I did. All I remember after getting back to the playground is a sharp pain in my head, and a terrible coughing fit. I think I might have passed out. Then I woke up, feeling like I hadn't ever slept in my life, and tried to write the last post. But I probably fell asleep in the middle of doing it. what freaks me out is that I didn't post it, and I sure as hell did not add the binary, which, by the way translates to:
E V E R Y T H I N G.
Anyhow, it's late, and I'm tired. I might continue this tomorrow. bye.
- Darkn3z
Whre is eveything
Wh am I hre in my room??
thought Iwent back to the forest
aparently I didn't...
And wh doI feel like I hven't slept forlike 2 wee
01000110 00100000 01001111 00100000 01010010 00100000 01000111 00100000 01000101 00100000 01010100 01101 01010 01000101 00100000 01010110 00100000 01000101 00100000 01010010 00100000 01011001 00100000 01010100 00100000 01001000 00100000 01001001 00100000 01001110 00100000 01000111
The pictures I took
So the first two ones are some pics I took while running, the other one has some colour issues again, this time the contrast is all fucked up. The other one is distorted because I couldn't stand still to take it. The next two ones are from another part of the forest, near where I woke up. The tree in the right on the second row is the tree I found my notebook next to. And the last picture is just another weird pic I don't really remember taking but that's just because I was hysteric and scared and probably in panic. I'm fine at the moment. I run across an old playground in the forest, but I didn't really have time to look around more. I'll try to find that playground again later, because It seemed interesting, standing there, in the middle of the forest (Well, there was a path that went there, or more like a small gravel road, but it wasn't exactly easy to find.) I didn't have time to take pictures either.
Okay, this isn't normal...
Hey guess what? Found my notebook. It was here in the fucking forest. I have no idea in what part of the forest I'm in, but the notebook was next to a weird looking tree. I'll post pics later, I have some on my phone that I found from my pocket. It's either the worst day of my life or my lucky day.
I had to run again. This time I knew he was close. I'm typing this whle walking and its abit hardto concentrate. My lastmemory was from when I went to slep and I had a trrible migraine that day.
I can see the road and the houses but he's near.
Hey. I'm back home, and even though I still feel bad, He's not following me, I know for sure. My mum has apparently been on a business trip and hasn't noticed a thing. I feel like crying. How did evrything end up like this, and why?
The drawing
I'm all alone in this, and it's a painful realisation. I can't talk to anyone, I can't rely on anyone, All I have is this blog, and my Journal, but now that's gone too. Nobody would believe me and if I told my psychologist, I would be locked up in a mental ward in no time. But I have to keep going. Maybe I can escape it, or fight it. Or maybe trick it into leaving me alone. I don't know. I'm all out of ideas.
What to do?
Probably the few of you who have probably not, but maybe noticed my tweet about something URGENT, Knew something BIG is coming. AND WHY am I talking like this? .....Sorry. It's just that I don't know what the frick to think and feel right now. No, I'm not scared, not really, but I'm extremely... creeped out? That's not even the right term. Maybe weirded out. Again.
Maybe I can calm down enough to finally write this down.
Let's begin with the least ....hmm, weird thing: My journal's gone missing. I had it with me and It is possible that I just left it somewhere, (Which I hope didn't happen, 'cuz there's some pretty weird stuff in there.) But I never leave it laying anywhere.
But then there's this other thing.
Well, it begun a couple of days ago. We were at a farm, staying overnight, and it was near the woods. So one day, My mom makes me go to the woods for a walk with her, and I had to. What could go wrong, I thought. It's just a walk, I thought. Maybe that thing won't appear, Since I've been feeling better. A lot. Or I was feeling better, until that day. Everything went fine until I started feeling bad again and told my mom I'd just go alone back to the farm. I didn't want to stay there because I felt so nauseous and anxious, and I did get halfway back, until I got lost. The path just didn't go where it should have gone. That's great, feeling like shit, paranoid and maybe chased by a supernatural internet meme. Fucking awesome. So I just thought I should at least move to maybe find my mom OR the farm, but that was a bad decision. I only got more and more lost, and then I started feel so incredibly bad that I vomited everything I had eaten that day, and felt like vomiting my insides out even after nothing else came out but stomach acid or whatever that's called. Then as I looked up, I had to look for a while, because there he stood like he had always been there. Who, Well, who else, but our friendly neighborhood Slenderman. I instantly felt even worse, and I barely could move, but the mortal terror I was experiencing made me run. I remember running so fast that I passed out at some point. And when I woke up, I was laying near the path back to the farm. Again, I thought everything was just my imagination until I saw it. Someone had drawn that symbol thingy on both of my wrists with a similar pen I use to write on my journal. And then there was this drawing next to me. (This isn't my laptop so I'm gonna post a picture of it from my phone later.) The drawing portrayed the head of a girl whose hair is very similar to mine, and the girls face is somewhat creepily drawn, with round, dark eyes and a creepy smirk. I went all NOPE and took the drawing and ran back to the farm. I probably should mention that my pen disappeared with the notebook too, and It's more than possible that these drawings were made with it... I'm getting the shivers.
Anyhow after this, The sickness came back. But now I'm also nauseous, and I keep hallucinating this tall, dark shadow in the corners of my eyes, and it's fucking up my mind. I can't concentrate and I'm constantly on the edge of panic. I'm not sure what to do anymore...
So, I'm writing this on my phone. I've been away for a while, because mom thought it would be a good idea to take me to the countryside. She thinks I need fresh air. I don't.
Anyhow, here's a thing I have wanted to talk to you about for a while: Do I believe in the slenderman? No. But nowadays I'm not as sure. I could call myself crazy and blame my eyes but I feel like that's not the case. All I wanna know is who that fucker was, where he lives and what he is most afraid of. Or she. I don't care.
I've been okay otherwise but I woke up with scratches in my arms and legs for no reason. It looked like I had scratched myself in my sleep, but I am a very heavy sleeper especially now that I have been using melatonin for sleep. I have never done anything like this.
Fuck this.
I looked at the forest from above. It was very dark, but I could still see. It was slightly misty outside, and it created a creepy atmosphere. Then I was standing in the entrance of the forest, holding a candle in my hand for some reason. I felt something cold touch my shoulder, and then I ran. I ran straight into the forest,. I fell down, and the dream ended. The whole dream had a terrifying, anxious feel to it, and even though nothing creepy-ish happened, I still woke up in panic. Also, as I was on my phone, I got this terrible headache and a feeling of being watched.. Ugh.
Then again, that person had to hack my account, because this is the second time I changed the password.
I don't even know anymore... I'll just go to sleep and try to get my head around this tomorrow. Right now my brain feels like a mess, and I can't think clearly. Also, I've gotten used to the consistent headaches with the help of a lot of Ibuprofen (For some reason it's the only painkiller that works well for me.)
Nothing new though, I've been watching a lot of tv today, and haven't gone out at all. Didn't feel like it.
Well well well.
I apologise for the language. (Not really.)
MuSt not.
Half asleep
I can't remember a single full dream I've had, but merely flashes of them. Mostly forest and such.
I feel like something's about to happen, because I'm extremely paranoid and disoriented. Something is wrong. I don't know what is the cause of my horrible condition, but I know for sure that It isn't normal. Not for me. I'm rarely sick.
Sorry for the short post.
Have you ever...?
I think I did it?
....Damn. I think I cracked a code for the first time in my life.
What does this mean, then? Nonexistent? No more. Is it Nameless? Maybe? But who or what does it refer to?
This time!
The Cover with the symbol |
The inside of the cover.. |
This is the inside of the cover with a series of numbers that I'll list later. It also has a Question mark after the numbers so I suppose it's a question. I don't know if it's a sentence or a word but I'll have to look into it later. there's also that symbol AGAIN
Another symbol... |
This is the first page with ANOTHER symbol. That's my hand you're seeing there,sorry. Those are the battery cables of my computer and cellphone.
MORE numbers! |
The second page / opening of the notebook with more numbers. the outline of the symbol can be seen from through the page. The weird part on this page is that my blog password has been covered with the marker. It's sort of scaring me that someone knows the password, and I'm gonna change it right away.
And even more numbers! |
This is the next opening. More numbers and the next page's numbers can be seen from through the page. again, my hand got into the picture, I didn't pay attention when I was taking these pics.
I haven't told you everything. |
Ah, well. I guess I have to explain the drawing. It's another dream I had a while back, but I didn't write about it. I fear that people don't believe me and I didn't want to make myself look silly. I seriously wonder why people even are reading this. Also this is just how he seems to look like in my dreams. But anyway, there's that symbol and one more series of numbers.
This was the paper that was inside the notebook. It's creepy, I admit it. I don't know who did this, or why. And I want to know what the symbol means.
"Watching you"? Well fuck you too. |
Stop it with the symbols, ok?
THEN THIS. I can't even describe the feeling I got as I flipped the notebook over and this was here. If it's meant to imply "Watching you" or something else, then I might have a stalker or two. And not in a romantic way, the most twisted way you can possibly imagine. I got the shivers.
So the numbers are in this order:
Nothing new?
Aside from all this awesome sh!t happening to me, I'm a weirdo. underneath all the anxiety that's nagging me constantly, (It's a lot easier to write stuff online than to TALK about it to someone, trust me) I have a dark sense of humour and I'm selfish. Also, I both love and hate sarcastic people, (I'm definitely not one of them,) they make me want to hug them, but also punch the shit out of them. I have a dumb brother who is 12 and his life goal seems to be annoying everyone to the edge of beating them up. Seriously, I wonder why the hell someone hasn't already kicked his ass. But he does have his "okay" moments too. Usually when he sleeps or something. My dad is something I do not wish to talk about, but my parents are divorced. My mum and I both are somewhat hot-headed and that means we argue a lot, at least we did, before all "Explanation" shit and so on, nowadays we don't talk nearly at all. I'm having headache all the time, and I just tell her not to talk to me too much. She knows I have migraines and I have meds for them, but she doesn't know about the other stuff.
My childhood was pretty normal, I think, but I don't remember much about it. We lived next to the woods, and I remember me and my best friend playing in them all the time. But I don't remember anything weird happening, so it's not like "Hurr hurr durr durr I lived next to teh woods and now slendurrman is after me lol" Actually, the woods were really nice and not ominous at all, there were many paths that were and are used daily and it's a pretty small forest actually. I don't remember much about my parents' divorce other than that they were yelling at each other all the time, and that I was scared. They got a divorce when I was around 4 or maybe 5. I can't actually remember a longer period than 9 or 10 months of not seeing a psychologist or a therapist more or less regularly after I started school. I was always in detention and I was very aggressive towards other kids. I got bullied because of that, and now that I'm starting the 9th grade (Finnish school system ftw) I'm mostly a loner.
Why am I telling about myself this much? I love writing, but I would never write this much about myself, even into a journal or a "diary", but somehow I'm feeling like I need to. Probably another mental illness symptom thing or something.
Haven't been writing to my journal in a while, I think I might do it after posting this.
I don't know.
So, I was walking home from my friend's house (She lives only a kilometer away from me, but I usually cross through the woods. I didn't do that for a while after "Explanation" but this time I finally got enough courage to do it and prove that it was just my eyes.) and as I was walking in the woods, I suddenly felt how my head started aching, and I got this ominous feeling ,like I was being watched. I got so anxious and paranoid that some feral instinct kicked in and I actually dashed out of the forest, ran home and nearly fainted in the hallway. I remember struggling to the bathroom and throwing up. My ears are still ringing and I feel terrible, but it's getting better. I actually wanted to ignore this and not write about it, but it would be nagging me inside if I hadn't written this here.
I'm unsure on what to believe now. I don't want to jump to conclusions, because I didn't actually see him this time, but the reaction was nearly exactly the same as last time. I still believe it's just me and my eyes are playing tricks on me, (And there is this weird, weird need to write everything here) but I'm not so sure anymore. This isn't normal, right?
This is the backside, there is nothing written on it, but guess what? This page has been ripped from my notebook. It's the same kind of paper the journal has. The second picture has my username in it, and some trees, Then there is that symbol. I finally remember, it's the same one from my dreams. But it's impossible that I could have written this in my dreams, because it seems like it has been outside, the paper was damp and crumpled. Also, I don't own similar pens as the one used to draw this.
So here is the paper. I'm wondering what the symbol means. I've decided that I was just very sleep deprived that day when I wrote "Explanation", but that still doesn't explain this shit.
Could be my stupid little brother trying to prank me, hence the stupid Slender: The Eight Pages - drawing style and the cheesiness, but how could have he known exactly what the symbol looked like?
EDIT//: Since this happened I changed my username to Darkn3z, And I also found out that Dark 3z is some Dj or something (I really DO NOT know for sure.) so I thought, "Hey, I have enough reasoning to change my name now!" and Darkn3z indeed is Darkn three z, but pronounced DarknEz if you want so. The url will stay the same though.
Twitter account
EDIT//: Oh, and I do feel better at the moment. I took a nap and the headache is gone.
What the hell?
I'm having a terrible headache, I regularly suffer from migraines, but this is worse. It feels like my head is under so much pressure that it's about to explode. Then why am I on computer and writing this? Well, the reason is that the headache began only after I did something, (that shouldn't even cause headache at all!)
But what exactly did I do?
I was looking through the pictures I took from our summer cottage a couple of days ago (We came back the morning I wrote my first post) and there were a couple of distorted images. I agree that my samsung galaxy gio camera SUCKS, but it NEVER distorts the colours like it did with these two. And the weirdest thing; The more I observed these pictures, the more my head started aching. Finally I had to stop looking at them, but the headache kept worsening. I'll post all of the pics I took, the non-distorted ones first to show you what they should look like.
So here are the first four pics I took. Nothing weird about them yet, no. The first one is taken behind the small shack in the second picture, showing some of the woods and such.
This one is the same shack/shed as in the first pic, with the lake showing on the background, with the famous "midnight sun" reflecting from the lake. It was around midnight I took all of these pictures, you can only imagine how beautiful it actually was.
And then this is a part of the field, just a random pic I took of my shadow. In the background you can see the house from one of the distorted pictures. My shadow looks really tall because the sun was so low, and shone from right behind me.
And here, just for the sake of it, is the Finnish pride: The beutiful, amazing nature. You can see how the sun is shining low and reflects on the still lake. And if you are wondering, that mist isn't actually golden, the sun just makes it look like it is. I'm glad I get to live in such a beautiful country.
And now for the distorted ones. I haven't yet noticed anything weird about them, except the colour distortion and the slight blur and pixelation in the other one. I used gimp 2.6 to zoom around them and tried to make them look normal again, but didn't succeed. I'm terrible with that kind of stuff.
So here's the same house that can be seen in the background of the 3rd normal image. This is the worse one, with more distortion than what the other one has. The colours are all weird and it's pixelated and blurry.
And this is the other one. this has less distortion in it, but it's still got the colour distorted and so on. I don't know what happened to them, but I have to stop writing very soon, I feel like I might go blind if I look at these pictures too much.
EDIT//: Oh, and no, these are the original pictures. I didn't save the ones I messed around with.
All I gotta say is what the fuck? this isn't normal. How does this even happen?
But seriously, I gotta stop or else I might faint or something. I might post again later today.
Dream update #2
I was running through a parking hall, trying to escape somthing. Then the setting changed and I was sitting next to a tree in the woods, and there was tht symbol again, carved in the tree, with a knife next to it. Still can't quite remember what it looked like. Then I wok e up.
I wrote it directy here. I'll copy it to my journal later. Can't really sleep yet, this dream still has me shivering. I woke up sweaty and trembling, and almost peed my pajama pants when I saw my jackets hanging on the wall, forming a strange figur e. Ugh.
I'll try to sleep again soon and post again tomorrow.
Sorry for the gramar mistakes, I'm tired and it's hard to type in the darkness.
Nothing weird....
I know I haven't got many readers, but I have to thank the few that bother to read this. I hope everything sorts out and I'll find a reason for what I saw. Feel free to comment, I'll moderate them though, because no-one likes to read troll comments.
I'm wondering if I should tell my psychologist, but I decided that maybe not yet. It could be just sleep deprivation like I said, and I don't want medication for schizophrenia or anything. I'm not crazy, at least I hope I'm not.