I was unable to write for a while since we had some major problems with the wifi, and I would have been unable to upload pics on my phone so here we go.
I was coming home from my riding lesson last tuesday, and I always have to cycle through some wooded areas, and something caught my eye. I heard a series of loud crackling noises, and I stopped to look around. I saw no-one, but I heard that noise again, and this time I could identify it as running footsteps. This person seemed to be running away from where I was, and so I looked around and noticed a strange scroll of paper up in a tree (Yes, up in a motherfucking tree.) Anyhow, I reached for it and from the inside of the scroll fell out a bottle of pills, so I just grabbed them and left, didn't wanna stay there and see what was going to happen.
At home I opened them and here are some pictures.

So, this is the bottle of pills. it has some in it, just plain white pills with no markings in them. The bottle has the words SLEEP WELL and the symbol drawn on the side. the label is completely torn off.

The third paper is also a page of my notebook and has the same words in it as the pill bottle "SLEEP WELL" and the symbol. The third one is plain white paper and has the symbol and words DO YOU GET SCARED in it.
yeah and here are the pills. 5 white, round pills in total.
So I started thinking what the "Sleep well" could mean. It's on the pill bottle, and I have no idea what the pills are. they could be literally anything, from plain vitamin pills to cyanide.. not that I know what cyanide pills look like, but still.
The drawings, well, yes, I do get scared, but only temporarily. Right now I just find them slightly offensive, and I started to wonder about the smiley face. I mean, I already know that there must be some kind of person or group behind the hacked account things and these papers and such, but there's never been anything written on red, and that smiley is new, so there is a difference. Also, the messages on red seem more aggressive, "SMILE" and "WE WILL CATCH YOU", they are different from the usual slightly-creepy-and-somewhat-annoying messages, I don't remember ever receiving a direct threat like that.
Anyway, I'll have to think about this more. I'm going to keep updating my twitter at least once a week to let you know I'm fine, and yeah.
also, the comments are now open in this blog, I decided it's unneccessary to moderate them if there is nothing to moderate, really.
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Yeah whatever.