
been a while...

I was going to write last monday, but the wifi has been down again...
anyhow, I...

WHERE do I begin... well, there was that Village post, made by, apparently, the Smiler or whoever it is.  The binary translated goes like this:

Argh. I guess I'm going to take that as some kind of advice. At least the first part.
Now then, I met Katja again. She looked.. worse than last time. She didn't want to talk about herself, and only brought up her worry for her little sister. I am afraid she's getting dragged into this as well, I don't know. She did mention nightmares, neverending ones. She claims she only sees nightmares nowadays. At least I don't, I have to say that, but still, I remember countless times I have woken up, gasping for air, cold sweat running down my neck and searching for an attacker. I don't know how to fight this creature, but I might understand it better, if I research it more.. I actually got.. something I could call "information" but... Well. There has been a legend of a man who disappeared mysteriously in a forest that is located in Finland, and that other people have gone missing there, and that the animals are scared of it... I've heard that pagans and witches, even satanists have used it to practice their sacrifices/rituals, but you know these kinds of legends... I don't believe that the Finnish Pagans would perform any rituals involving killing or sacrificing etc. And it didn't specify what kind of witches, and I have understood Wiccans don't have any evil ritual thingys either, and you know. Satanists don't really even believe in satan (LaVey) sort of. But I feel like I should, at some point, visit that forest. Maybe paying a visit there will solve things here. But I'm starting to get the feel that, maybe, researching isn't my first concern, and that I should pay more attention to this cult, maybe even, uh, agree to listen and not deem them as insane. I mean, they got my picture and they seem to know an awful lot about me, and I sort of lie to myself when I assure myself it's just a group of people who have read my blog and just want to fuck around with me.

Ahh well. 
Everyone lies for their own profit, huh?
I guess they do. Probably all of us do. I lie to myself a lot.

-Darkn3z, or if you want to, Laura.

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Yeah whatever.