you must really be wondering where the hell I am, and what in the Fucks sake happened to me.
I wouldn't blame you to be honest, because only weeks ago, I had no idea either. But some things that need explaining did happen.
Given the chance, I should probably at least try to explain. I really do hope you find the log-in info I left for you, because it would feel like betraying the ones who might or might not care.
Anyhow. It's been such a long time, and I really don't know where to begin, but short to say, I was quite wrong about the Villagers. When I was taken to the ward, I had taken one of those pills that they left me way earlier, and it was actually not sleep medication, like I had thought, but it kept me awake. very awake. to the point where I started acting out-of-place and found myself being dragged out of school and to a psych ward. I stayed there for some weeks or months and apparently, someone checked me out of there, but I have a) no memory of this or b) no idea who it was. I have no memory of what happened after that. a few weeks ago or so, I woke up in the middle of a forest, and from the amount of snow (I'd say like a meter or more. 3ft for those who don't know the metric system.) I was pretty sure I wasn't in the south-southern Finland anymore. Keep in mind that I didn't have any idea what day or month it was, so I was fairly certain it would have been February or so, and I thought I was in mid-Finland or so. I don't really know how I found my way out of the forest, but somehow I survived (without proper winter gear holy shit) and I saw a fell in the distance, so I realized I was up north. Later I found out that said Fell was Ruka which meant I was in Kuusamo or at least nearby. There are people who have summer cottages there, you know? I broke into one, even though I'm ashamed of it, but it was below 0 degrees Celsius and I was starving. Thank god, I survived and kept moving in case someone would start wondering who I was and why I hung out in the area for no reason.
They came to get me last week.
I am talking about the Villagers, or the ones I used to call that. They are all just regular people, like me and you, but we are not the only ones. The five(?) people who were behind the other blog are "The Court"
Have you read the news? "Finland is not alone" or whatever the fuck it was. Well, that's the case. we are not the only ones.
Meitä on kaikkialla, ympäri maailmaa. Mutta me tarvitsimme runoilijan joka kirjoittaisi meistä runon ja kertoisi tarinan. Tällä runolla ei ole loppua, mutta se kertoo ihmisistä ja unista, hulluudesta ja harhakuvista. Se kertoo mielistämme ja epätodellisista asioista.
When you find this, please publish it as you found it, thank you. This is my last post probably.
We'll see again.
-Laura, (Darkn3z)
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Yeah whatever.